
Friday, June 25, 2021

Amazing Angles

Hi bloggers

This week we have been learning about angles we learnt how to measure angles, types of angles, how to use a protractor and what is the reqirements for a type of angle we found it very interesting but on the reflex angles sheet we found mearsureing the reflex angles hard but we did it in the end.

Do you know how to use a protractor?  Have you used a protractor 

Sources: Khan Academy videos, Mr Bell 

Friday, June 18, 2021

Wicked Winter Sports

 Hi bloggers

For the next 8 weeks on Fridays Marshland school year 5 - 8s are going to Rawhiti Domain to play Winter sports. The options were Football, Flag Football, Ki o rahi, Netball, Hockey, bouls, capture the flag and Gardening. I chose Hockey. We hop on the bus at 11:40 then we play winter sports till 2:15pm then we hop on the bus back to school we should arrive at 2:30. Then we can do free art till home time.

What is your favorite sports? What sport whould you pick out of the listed options?

Souces: Miss Roberts for the photos 

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Length, Area & perimeter Unit

 Hello Bloggers

For Maths We are working on our Length Area & perimeter Unit we have 2 weeks to complete our unit we have to measuring calculate The length of our court 

I found it easy because measurement is my favourite type of maths and i really like maths
Souces: Mr Bell
What is your Favorite type of maths?
 do you like Measurement?